Investment Criteria

Industry Focus Wingate targets manufacturing, distribution and service businesses with a significant market share position; all industries considered except banking, insurance, real estate, media, natural resources, and high technology.
Revenues Stand-alone companies typically have revenues between $50 million and $250 million, but sometimes are significantly larger. Businesses with revenue of any size will be considered as add-on acquisitions for existing portfolio companies.
Profitability Wingate invests in both profitable and unprofitable companies. Half of Wingate portfolio companies were under-performing at the time of acquisition.  For companies that are profitable, Wingate targets $5 million-$25 million in EBITDA.
Transaction Size Total transaction size generally ranges between $25 million and $150 million. Wingate will sponsor larger transactions by co-investing with its limited partners or other investor groups. Smaller transactions will be considered when the target company can be an add-on for an existing portfolio company.
Control Wingate, together with any other sponsoring investors, must have a controlling interest in acquired companies.
Other Company headquarters should be located in the United States.
Fees Wingate will pay intermediary and finders fees.